
Protecting Yourself During Coronavirus Lockdown

The unprecedented shutdowns around the country due to the coronavirus have reached Horry and Georgetown Counties.

Schools are shuttered, meaning our children are home – and need care and educational instruction from their parents and guardians even more than normal. Restaurants and popular entertainment spots are closed, leading to fewer distractions or opportunities to blow off steam.

The end result? Stress.

As much as we all seek more time with our loved ones, the close quarters can push even the best of us to our limits. Patience wears thin, and taking a breather isn’t always an option. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to protect yourself when it goes too far.

Domestic violence occurrences have a tendency to spike during national events, and the lockdowns associated with the coronavirus and its deadly offshoot, COVID-19, are likely to do the same. If you are in a situation where you or a loved one are in danger, there are solutions.

First, you must understand that domestic violence is never acceptable, regardless of the environment. Second, if you ever have to ask yourself “Should I call the police to make sure I’m safe?”, the answer is always “Yes.”

The vast majority of courts around the state are closed, per South Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Beatty’s mandate during the shutdown. However, emergency actions can still be filed in the family courts. That includes orders of protection for abuse victims who have suffered from physical harm, bodily injury, the threat of physical harm or a sexual criminal offense. Emergency protective custody orders are also being heard.

In any of those situations, it is best to first call 911. Upon reaching a safe environment, Indigo Family Law can then help you take those crucial next steps to keeping you there.