HBO’s Ren Faire is a quasi-documentary about George Coulam, “the eccentric 86-year-old founder of the Texas Renaissance Festival, and the battle to inherit the kingdom he created.” George goes by ‘The King.’ He founded the festival fifty years ago. He built a town around the festival grounds, incorporated it, and became mayor of that as well. He...

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An Undeserved Legacy

Stepparents late in life and plans Robbie Robertson was a seminal figure in Rock ‘n’ Roll. Founder of The Band – famous as Bob Dylan’s backup band and then on their own for more than a decade; made one of the best reviewed solo albums of the 1980s; author of what’s generally regarded as one...

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If you are considering leaving your spouse and having kids involved, you are likely trying to decide the best path forward with the least disruption to your kids’ lives and well-being. One of the many considerations is how to execute the initial separation or move from your spouse. There are countless reasons one may choose...

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When life leads you in a different direction than your spouse, you may come to the realization that it is time to move in another direction. If you leave your spouse, taking your child with you is not always legally allowed, and that could mean that you are violating the child’s right to have access...

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As family law attorneys in South Carolina, we consistently work to help clients navigate difficult legal scenarios with their children and that child’s other parent. Withholding a child without a court order could be a dangerous step to take, especially if the court sees that you are doing so as a way to punish the...

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Whether thoughts of a divorce or separation have been simmering for months or the decision comes out of the blue, choosing to proceed with the breakup of a marriage is one of the most challenging decisions in life. Once the words have been spoken and the ball is rolling, it’s as if it gets kicked...

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Going Public

We wrote about this on Facebook back in January. It just settled this week. At least in theory. You may remember that Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis’s only child, died suddenly at the age of 54 in January. When her will was read, it turned out that there had been a change to her will (a...

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