How Much is the Average Monthly South Carolina Child Support Payment?

Posted on Feb 26, 2019 by Brooklyn

Enduring a legal separation or divorce process in South Carolina is already difficult for everyone involved, especially children, but now the court is assigning your monthly child support payment.

The court assigns South Carolina child support according to your finances and responsibility for any children. Want to learn how much you could pay?

We have got you covered. We will discuss how the court will determine your child support payment and your estimated monthly payment. Read on to learn more.

Must-Know Basics About Child Support in South Carolina

According to the South Carolina Child Support Guidelines, either parent can request child support regardless of their responsibility for any children. Both parents must contribute to the well-being of any children.

Keep in mind that the SC court can order one or both parents to pay child support. If the parents of any children are under 18, the court may order the grandparents to pay child support.

How to Calculate Your South Carolina Child Support Payment

Calculating child support in South Carolina is not as straightforward as you may think. The court will calculate your monthly payment based on the SC Child Support guidelines. But, your payment may vary depending on your child custody arrangements.

Child support payments must cover the cost of any children’s education, medical care, childcare, among other necessary expenses. Your income and the number of children you have will influence your monthly payment as well. You may estimate your payment using a child support estimator, but the court does not only follow general guidelines.

The court will use their worksheets to determine your monthly payment. There is a different worksheet for every custody arrangement. It is recommended that you take a look at the worksheets and basic child support obligations table schedule in the South Carolina Child Support Guidelines.

Examples of South Carolina Child Support Payments

According to the US Census, the median household income in South Carolina is $5497. The South Carolina guidelines establish a basic child support obligation average between $793 to $1628. This range applies to parents of one to six children.

For example, a non-custodial parent of three children earns $3,000 a month. The custodial parent of all three children earns $1,500 per month.

If the non-custodial parent pays $250 a month to cover any children’s health insurance. The South Carolina Child Support Guidelines suggest the parent would pay about $762.67 in child support each month.

This payment may vary if the court uses Worksheet A from their guidelines to calculate the payment. This child support payment may decrease if the parents agree to a split custody arrangement.

An example of this is when Parent A holds custody of 2 of 3 children, earns $3,000 per month and pays $250 toward their health insurance. While Parent B takes care of 1 of 3 child, earns $1,500 a month, and pays $100 toward the child’s health insurance.

In this scenario Parent A would pay only $74.10 dollars per South Carolina guidelines. The court may assign a higher or lower payment if they use Worksheet B.

Bottom Line

There is not a one size fits all formula to calculate South Carolina child support. Your monthly payment may vary depending on your circumstances or custody arrangement, among other factors.

Before any child support hearing, you should hire a family law attorney who will protect your interests. Hiring the right lawyer will help you obtain the best outcome and fair child support payment.

Is your child support payment too high? You may be eligible for a modification if you or your child’s situation endured substantial changes.

Want to learn what modifications you may request? Read our article to learn more about your eligibility.