Besides your birth certificate and marriage license, your last will and testament is one of the most important documents you will ever own. Did you know there is more than one type…
A valid will is not enough to ensure the security and timely distribution of your assets in accordance with your wishes when you die. You should consider establishing a living…
Thinking about passing on your estate to your children or grandchildren? You best cross your “t”s and dot your “i”s. If you are thinking about passing on your estate, you…
When is the last time you stayed in a castle? That is the first thing you picture when someone starts talking about their estate, right? It would be nice if we…
Nobody enjoys thinking about their mortality, and sorting through legal documents is not what most people would call a good time. This hesitation makes sorting through legal documents about your eventual…
Having a family is one of life’s greatest joys. There is so much to look forward to — graduation, marriage, grandkids. Of course, these things require a lot of financial planning…